Thursday, November 20, 2014

PM#0426 Give Thanks

Give Thanks
I Thes 5:18  says  In everything give thanks:
Phil 4: 6-7

I Thes 5:18  says  In everything give thanks:

Think about it.  That is good thought, but it is one that everyone of us has difficulty doing at times.  We see only part of the total picture.  We only understand the part that we see, but not the whole picture.  We are like a person in a forest who can only see the trees and not the whole forest.

When things are perplexing to you, we need to learn to thank God.  He sees the whole picture.  Sometimes many of us have later learned what was really happening and then we learned how our part fit into the puzzle.

What God wants is for us to keep our focus on Him as He provides opportunities and guides us through life.  When we do, we should be able to give thanks to God in everything.  He will be there with His presence and His peace.

Take time today to pray with Thanksgiving.  Do it through in Jesus’ Name.


Why is it difficult to give thanks?  Is it because we do not see the whole picture of what has happened?

Have you ever learned something later that changed your perspective about an item that happened?

If we do not see the whole picture, shouldn’t we trust the one who does—that one who does is God?  He is the one who will guide us when we don’t know the whole picture.

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