Friday, April 10, 2015

PM#0459 Dreams that are Dry Bones

Dreams that are Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37:4-6, Habakkuk 2:3, II Chronicles 7:14

Have you ever had a dream that is like a deep heart yearning?  One that at one time has really happened, but now is one that is not happening anymore for what ever reason?  Do you yearn for it enough to let God help you bring it back to reality?

Think about this and what God can do for us if we really let Him be free to work on our behalf.  If the Lord can give flesh again to dry bones, He and only He can revive a dream which has become dry bones (Ezekiel 37:4-6).  He knows who should come along side and help.  He knows where to find that help. 

We cannot manipulate God, but we can let God show us if that dream is of Him, and obey Him and His word. 

Write the dream down (Habakkuk 2:3) and in humility take it to the Lord in prayer.  Pray, listen, and obey God’s word.  God knows our heart and when we turn in humility in prayer to Him, He will listen and guide us. (II Chronicles 7:14).


Have you had a dream that has not come to reality?

Have you written the vision down?

Have you humbly taken it to Him in prayer?

Dreams that God has given us—we need to write them down and humbly seek the Lord’s guidance in moving forward.  God will listen and guide us.

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