PM#0511 Listenting to God Speaking through Others
Listing to God Speaking
Through Others
I Cor 12 vs 14 and 18
What keeps us back from accepting
the vision that God has given others?
Are we making our selves a judge of another person’s calling or dreams?
Or is it that it does not fit our personal focus?
The Bible says in I Corinthians
12: 14. For the body is not one member,
but many…in verse 18 it says … God set
the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
Now consider that if someone
who carries the gospel, or the foot, should to say to the eye—I do not need
you—don’t you think it would stumble? That
is similar to not accepting a vision of someone else in the body of Christ.
What should we do? Here is a prayer to consider: Father, I ask you to help me listen to you
speaking through others who love you. In
Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Reflection situation and
The following situation is
often true. Years ago in College, one
summer I sold Bible books, and occasionally I would ask others, what do you
believe. They stated that they would
have to ask their minister.
So—it was the minister who
told them what they believed—now lets take this further—when they hear someone
share about what they heard from the Lord, and that person is not an ‘Ordained
minister’ they may not accept what is
said as from the Lord. That is something
that may have been taught—teaching that only the preacher can do--not just
little me or someone else--only the minister with a title.
The Lord does not speak just
to ministers—He speaks to all who seek with pure and contrite heart. When He speaks it may be something to guide
us. It may be like the eye which is
there to guide us.
Have we really stopped to
consider that when we do not listen—to others speaking about what they have
learned from the Lord through God’s Word—that it could be like saying to the
eye we do not need you?
How does this apply to us
How can we encourage people
to listen to others who spend time in God’s word?
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