Speech and Your Heart
People ask for prayer and need encouragement. Wouldn’t it be better if they could be helped where they are, and learn many ways they can pray for others and themselves? ‘Prayer Minutes’ are designed to help us to pray and encourage us to move forward and pray. Also - Prayer Minutes can be used in bulletins, newsletters, and newspapers. They have also been recorded in MP3 format for radio use, and in video -- WMV format. Prayer Minutes are copyrighted and can be used with permission.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
11:14 AM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
11:23 AM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
9:09 AM
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Lewis Turner
4:32 PM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
5:35 PM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
4:40 AM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
8:27 AM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
2:41 PM
Labels: Encouragement
Posted by
Lewis Turner
3:55 PM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
10:28 AM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
7:38 PM
Posted by
Lewis Turner
9:01 AM
How many times do we try and do something with out instructions? If it is putting something together, this to men— may be a challenge that many may try before they read the instructions. However in reality, things usually, I say again usually, go better when we follow instructions.
Instructions are like wisdom. The Bible encourages us throughout the book of Proverbs, to seek wisdom.
How do we do this? The best way is to search the scriptures, and ask God through prayer to help us understand them. God is the one who knows how to apply His word to our situation and will lead us to His instructions to us if we search for it.
Consider a prayer like this: ‘Lord, I need your help. Anything I do on my own is not working. Please show me through your word, your directions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
8:16 AM
God’s Voice, God’s Peace
One day goes well, the next does not. Life seems to be full of ups and downs but could it possibly be just our emotions swinging wild?
Just maybe we should ask the question, what is it that we are doing? Are we striving for a good cause, but -- Running ahead of God? What do we really want? Do we want—recognition—of self accomplishment or God’s voice saying ‘well done’—and His peace?
I know many say they want God’s voice, but something tells me that they really want that self-esteem build up. That may work for a while, but in time it too will leave, leaving emptiness.
In life’s struggles, we should seek the Lord, and consider this prayer as we start the day:
Father, help me to seek your help in all that I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
11:36 AM
PM#0452 First Thoughts
I Cor 15 vs 31
What are your first thoughts when you wake up? Do you have a heavy heart and need to speak something, that you think will help, but in reality by speaking it, it is really getting that thought out of your system?
First thoughts in the morning are often private thoughts that we do not share even with those very close to us. We want our ‘coffee’ first.
First thoughts often reveal issues that are in our heart that we have not turned over to the Lord. Maybe this is one thing the Apostle Paul may have meant when said I die daily to self. See I Cor 15 vs 31.
Perhaps all of us need to daily die to self in the morning and ask God for help to encourage those around us to focus on Him throughout the day.
Consider this prayer on awakening: Father, help me to focus on You and encourage others today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
2:12 PM
Ps 119:11
There are times we react often with a judgmental reaction and comments. We want issues to belong to the other party and not ourselves.
Often those reactions are emotional reactions. And to carry it further, emotions often reflect judgments. Good issues bring good pleasant emotions. Bad issues bring reactionary judgment. Both men and women reaction in one way or another.
Reactions founded on God’s principles of helping someone are not against His will and word. Those not based on God’s word may lead us away from God. That leads to the question: ‘What should we do?
We need to get to know God’s word and pray, asking God to be involved with us daily. Consider this prayer: ‘Father help me to study your word and hide it in my heart that my reaction to issues would be from the word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (see Ps 119:11)
Posted by
Lewis Turner
4:08 PM
Are We Blessing Others?
Heb 3 vs 13
The Bible encourages us to encourage each other daily. See Heb 3:13. But are we doing this?
Many of us would have to say we are so busy with the daily affairs of life taking care of ourself, that we forget about helping others. Yes we know that we should bless those who wrong us, but what about those around us. They may not have done us wrong, but are we extending them any blessing or encouragement? If we are tied up in the daily hustle and bustle of life, probably we are not.
When someone gives you encouragement, doesn’t that help you? I know from my job, many years after I had given encouragement to two people, that I learn how it had helped them do a better job. I only wish I had given more encouragement to others.
Think about how encouragement has helped you and consider this prayer: Father, help me to be one who finds a way to encourage others everyday. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
12:13 PM
Matthew 15:18 -- But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart.
When a person speaks, did you know that what they say comes from their heart and may be important to them?
According to Matthew 15:18 that is true. Perhaps we should examine our response to them. Does our response show that we care or is it of indifference?
If our faith is truly in Christ then we should look for ways to encourage other people. Hebrews 3:13 says "encourage one another daily".
Let's be truthful. How many of us have focused on our own personal issues that we fail to listen to others? I believe that may happen all too often.
Perhaps we should turn to prayer and ask God's help in adjusting our focus to be able to encourage other people.
Father, help us to learn to encourage others and to listen to them, In Jesus, Name. Amen.
Posted by
Lewis Turner
5:11 AM