Saturday, March 10, 2007

Praying with a List

Prayer Minute : PM#0034
Is 43:26

Do you have trouble remembering things? Personally, I need to write down what I need to do. That list not only helps me remember, but it helps in other ways too. I use lists to help me to remember what to pray for. Keeping prayer lists handy helps me pray for others as the Lord moves me to pray, and the Lord wants us to remember others. Remembering others is remembering the Lord. Is 43:26 says "Put me in remembrance."

Putting others in remembrance by praying for them is a way of remembering the Lord, and it will help bring answers to their needs, When you learn of answers to prayer, write them down! They will encourage you to keep praying.

Father, help us find a way to remember the needs you want us to pray for. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793

Finding Time to Pray

Prayer Minute : PM#0033
Mark 6:46

Have you ever examined your priorities? What would they tell you about yourself and your focus?

Now let’s look at What Christ focused on for Himself. In Mark 6:46, we find a major priority for Christ was to take time to pray.

If we are followers of Christ, then praying should be a priority, but what stops us from praying? Often there are many good items facing us, but good things can be distractors demanding our time, keeping us from prayer. There is a way to overcome these distractors. We can to ask God’s help in setting our priorities to focus on prayer, especially in finding time to pray.

Father, help us to find time to pray. And we come to you In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793

Posture in Prayer

Prayer Minute : PM#0032
Joel 2:13

Is prayer a matter of posture in reverence to or is prayer communication with God? Let's explore the question whether or not prayer position is important.

Consider this - does the body position speak words, especially heart words? Sometimes we may feel the need to demonstrate our reverence by getting on our knees. On the other hand, if you spent thirty minutes kneeling on a hard floor every time you prayed, would you really develop the habit of praying? Especially from the heart? Or just bad knees? The true essence of prayer is heart communication with God. This is reflected on in Joel 2:13 which says "rend your heart, and not your garments." It shows that God wants heart communication with Him. If God wants heart communication with Him, then that is more important than body position in prayer.

Father, help us to have heart communication with You when we pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793


Prayer Minute : PM#0025
Gen 2:18

Many men consider themselves to be self-made men. They don't depend on others. Yet do they need help? God in His wisdom knew that men would need help and made woman for man. The Bible says in Gen 2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." When He made woman, God put in a woman a desire that would help her fulfill her calling as a helpmate to her husband. Part of a wife being a help mate is praying for her husband. She needs to know that you desire her prayers. When she prays from her heart for you, those prayers will be powerful. Those prayers will invite God’s help in your life, and your marriage, and your family as a result.

Father, I ask that men will not be afraid to ask their wives to pray for them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793