Listening Prayer
Acts 13:2 , Ps 42:6
God speaks to us in two primary ways. One is through the written word, the Bible. The other is through the Holy Spirit speaking to us. In Acts 13:2 the Bible says "As they ministered to the Lord (worshiped) and fasted, the Holy Spirit said..."
What can you expect to hear when the Holy Spirit speaks? A verse is brought to mind or you could hear a song. Ps 42:6 says "in the night his song shall be with me” At times like this your spirit is hearing from God. When God speaks, it will always be in agreement with the word of God. Remember, what ever the form, the prompting of the Holy Spirit will always be in agreement with the Word of God. If it doesn’t, then my friend, I do not believe you are hearing the Lord.
Father, may the ears of our hearts be open to Your voice. In Jesus’ Name., Amen.
©2006 Lewis Turner