Sunday, January 21, 2007

Praying for Leaders

Prayer Minute : PM#0016
I Timothy 2:1-4

How many of us let our impressions of a leader get in the way of praying for them?

Does the Bible have any thing to say about praying for leaders? It certainly does. In I Timothy 2:1-4 we have a Biblical directive to pray for our leaders, and the Bible gives a reason why we should pray for them. That directive is found in Verse 2 and it says "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." Praying for our leaders also includes our bosses. Yes, bosses are leaders. You may say wait a minute, pray for my Boss? Yes. For some of us praying for our bosses can be difficult, especially if we do not have a good impression of them. However if we obey this scripture, I believe that God will be in control of the situation where we work, working His best for us.

Father, we ask your help to obey your word to pray for our leaders. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793

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