Thursday, August 9, 2007


Prayer Minute #0054
Phil 2:4

Do we reach out to others and their needs?

Phil 2:4 says "Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others."

Our scripture comes from the King James, and the word 'things' was understood years ago, but we understand it as 'needs' not just things. Needs can be concerns or physical needs. Through genuine prayer we can recognize needs in others so we can take them to the Lord. We find out those needs by listening to others.
Listening prayer involves both listening to the Lord and others. It will help us looking out for the interests of others when we pray.

Father, help us to listen to others when we pray with them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Let Peace Be Your Guide

See also:

Col 3:15

Husbands, I want to ask a question you may not want to answer, but we need to look at. Has your wife ever sensed your decision is wrong, and later you wished you had listened to her?

Should this happen in your marriage, I would encourage you to listen to your wife. God made woman to be a helpmate to man, and often God often gives us guidance through her insights.

The Bible says in Col 3:15: “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts”. As we listen to our spouse after praying together, we may indeed see that peace guiding our hearts.

Father, help us to pray with our spouses about decisions and to listen to them. May your peace guide our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner


Matt 6:14

Have you tried to pray with someone with whom you have a difference? It is difficult and those differences often come from problems encountered with them, or judgments we have made about the person. If we are willing to exercise true forgiveness, (you see, forgiveness will free us), that forgiveness may make it easier to pray with them. When forgiveness occurs, it will your help your prayer time together with the other person deepen, and God will also help strengthen your relationship.

Jesus said in Matt 6:14 " For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you".

Father, encourage us to forgive and love one another. May that forgiveness and love encourage us to pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Praying for Wisdom

Heb 5:14b

Just about every parent wants to be proud of their child, and many parents invest a lot of time and energy helping their children excel.

We want our children to have wisdom. We want them to know what is right and what is wrong. We want them to be able to discern both good and evil when they are out on their own. (see Heb 5:14)

Try as we may, we cannot do all the training on our own. We need God's help. That help can come through prayer by asking God that your child will learn to discern between good and evil, and be able to make good decisions.

Father, help us to daily lift up our children to you, asking your help in their lives that they may learn to apply wisdom in their decisions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner

Inviting God Into Our Lives

Jer 33:3

Have you ever been in a difficult situation and did not know what to do?

If you reach this point, help is available from God and we can ask for it through prayer. You see prayer not only invites God into the circumstances of our lives, but it gives an opportunity for God to show us His wisdom and provide us His help.

Jer 33:3 says "call unto me, and I will show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not."

Here's an example of this principle in action. John faced a major trial and was about to give up. He finally reached the point that he said to the Lord, 'without your help, I can’t solve this problem'. The next day, God helped him find a solution.
Father, when times are tough, may your love encourage us to invite you into our circumstances. We desire your help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2005 Lewis Turner