Sunday, November 4, 2007



II Chronicles 7:14

Many of us have been taught to strive for success, but if we do not put God in to the equation, where does it get us? What God wants is for us to follow His way of humility, then our success will come from Him.

The Lord instructs us to be humble in II Chronicles 7:14. Humility should be our prayer. I believe we should consider a prayer like the following:

Lord, lead me in humbleness. Teach me not to judge, because in judgment in my heart limits your work. Let me find forgiveness through humbleness. As you lead in humility may mercy be companion, and grace my covering. Through humility, may love be seen in me. May I find God’s truth, Jesus Christ in humility. Lord, help me wear the cloak of humility. May it be my mantle. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

©2007 Lewis Turner

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