Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Relationship with Jesus


Heb 12:2

I think many of us have met people who have many degrees of learning about different things and some of those areas may be about the Bible. With all those degrees, they are still not able to relate to others.

One reason may be that they may never have had a personal relationship with Jesus. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, Heb 12:2. A real relationship with Jesus brings the knowledge that we have learned about God’s word, into experience and personal understanding of God’s purpose for us.

If you have never really known Jesus personally, please make that decision today and pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus, I want a personal relationship with You as my savior. I turn from sin and those things which would block that relationship, and ask your forgivness. Thank you for letting me have that personal relationship with You as my Savior. Amen.

Praying for others


Do you ever get the feeling something is urgent? You may not know why, but you have a strong feeling that it is?

There are indeed times when we sense a need to pray for someone and we may not understand why we sense the need. Often when that happens, God is asking us to intercede for a particular person or situation. We may never know or hear of what the need was, but because we prayed, God was able to work in that person's life or in that situation. Sometimes Lord later on, makes it clear why He asked us to pray.

When we pray for others it releases the power of God in their lives on their behalf.

Father, help us to recognize your call to pray for others, and to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Praying for others-Standing in the Gap


Ez 22:30

In a ball game, when the ball comes your way and you are not ready for the ball, you miss an opportunity which could be disastrous to the out come of the game.

That situation is similar to being ready to pray when a crisis arises. We need to be ready to pray and not put prayer off when God moves us to pray. When we involve ourselves in praying for others, God is able to do a mighty work in their lives. Responding to the call to pray lets God work in the lives of others on their behalf. Ex 22:30 says ‘the Lord sought for a man…that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap.

Father, Encourage us to stand in the gap for others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Praying for Others


Col 1:9

What do you look to for guidance? Is it horoscopes, people, or what? Did you ever think we need guidance when we pray? If we believe in Jesus as our savior, then we should look to the Bible to guide our prayers. The Apostle Paul prayed that we would have wisdom. Col 1:9 says "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding."

This prayer of Paul's is a scriptural example of a prayer. There are others in the bible, there to guide us. I believe that God wants us to use these prayers when you pray and you will have God’s blessing for those whom we are praying. Using these prayers when you pray for others, you will see a blessing in their lives, and by using scriptural examples, we will have the benefit of seeing God's best as a blessing for those whom we are praying.

Father, may God fill us with the knowledge of His will, and may it guide our prayers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.