Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pray for pastors ‘Pray for us’


I Thes 5:25

Did you ever think your pastors experiences discouragement?

Did you know they have many struggles that they don't shares?

Did you know that may do not have close friends and may be very lonely?

There are many things that can affect a pastor--negative comments, criticisms.

The list could go on.

If you were in your pastor’s shoes you would need supernatural help to handle their job well. The only way I know to get supernatural help from the Lord is to ask for it in prayer. Your prayers would help him have God's help and I will tell you something-- That means a lot to him.

Father, help us to keep our pastors lifted up before You. They need your presence to help them to be a pastor for us. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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