Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Will Lift My Hands

Ps 134:2

When you get excited at a game, what happens to your hands?  Do you keep them down beside you?  Probably not.  Most likely you make jesters with your hands that reflect your excitement.

For those who trust Jesus, they have much to be thankful for, and that should cause them to want to lift their hands to the Lord, in genuine thanks and praise.

Though we know that should happen, we should ask the question, when is the last time you used your hands and lifted them up to the Lord in praise and thanks giving?  Be honest now—the answer probably is not frequent enough.

I know the Lord will encourage us to do so, if we ask Him in prayer.

Lord, help me to be thankful and show you not only with my words, but with my hands too.  In Jesus' Nane, Amen.

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