Past Issues
Ps 139:28-29, I John 1:9,
Luke 19:8-11
Have you ever been afraid
that something in the past may give you trouble today? If that thing in your past was something
wrong, and was not corrected, then there is a good possibility it could present
trouble for you.
The Psalmist knew the problem
of past unresolved issues when he wrote in PS 139: 28-29 “Search me, O God, and
know my heart… see if there be any wicked way in me.”
He did not want anything
giving trouble. How do we resolve past
issues? The first is to humble ourselves
and confess them. (I John 1:9), then make correction or restitution if
possible. See Luke 19:8-11.
In clearing past issues, we
need the help of Jesus.
Consider this prayer: Father, search my heart and show me issues
that need to be corrected, and lead me in making things right. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.