Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Prayer Minute #0049
Matt 18:20

What would you do if you got a call from the boss saying in a sharp tone 'Be in my office at 9 AM sharp tomorrow,'? The tone of voice spells possible trouble.

This happened to John. John knew that he had done honest work. He knew he had a choice of going to the meeting on his own or asking others to pray with him.

The Lord said there would be trials in this life. If we respond through prayer, Jesus will help us. John chose to have others pray with him. Matt 18:20 assures us that Jesus is with us when we come together with others in prayer. It says "where two or three are gathered together in My Name., there am I in the midst of them".

The next day, John saw God's help at the meeting. You too can have that help in trials if you ask God for it.

Father, when trials come, I ask that You encourage people to pray together. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©2006 Lewis Turner

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