Monday, July 14, 2008

Listening Prayer


PS 46:10

Did you know prayer involves listening? So often we do all the talking in prayer, and that doesn’t leave much time for listening.

In our relationship with the Lord, it is necessary to hear God's voice. The Psalmist instructed us in Psalms 46:10 “to be still and know that He is God”. We need to take time to be silent before the Lord in prayer. When we do, it helps us to sense His presence and hear His voice.

As we quiet ourselves our heart can tune to the Lord and listen., and His Spirit can speak to our spirit.

Listening to the Lord in prayer helps develop a relationship with God, which comes from an interchange of love and thought between God and your soul.

Father, our lives are so busy, that we need your help to listen to you. Thank you for that help. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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